Thursday, February 10, 2022

February French shop update

 Hi all. How are you all faring? This whole COVID thing is just so odd, I think it’s hard for anyone to feel normal even if things are at least on the surface returning to normal. 

I have been undertaking at least one little task on the chateau each week/weekend as I am determined to make real progress this year. I will give an update on that soon I hope.

At the weekend I decided to arrange the French shop kitchen a little, and it is by no means done, I was really just having a fiddle. But it’s looking pretty good. So instead of writing, I will just post some photos!

The view through the exterior door:

Lidi Stroud’s picnic basket and a baguette from Petit Plat:

Initially the sideboard was under the shelves but it was too squeezy with the table, so I shoved it along, put the table against the wall under the shelves, and I like it. I need a shelf/rack for hanging some cups on now.

My own amateur apples and pears, some pomegranates (can’t remember the seller, but from Etsy) and a brioche from Betty Sartori:

And the view in the window:

I made a little tutorial on my website blog on making mini cakes from polymer clay. Really easy. If you are interested, here is a link:

On that note, I hope you’re all well, or at least chugging along. Take care.


  1. Fantástico trabajo, me encanta el toque rústico que has dado. El suelo precioso y la distribución de los muebles no agobia. Felicidades. Buen fin de semana

    1. Thanks Rosa! I did want a rustic touch, but not too shabby. And the space needed to be ‘functional’ and it is a small room, and I agree that more furniture would overwhelm it. I love this room and its homely warmth. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. What a beautiful room - all the more so because of the wonderful photography skills you have shown. If I didn't know better I would swear this was a real life scene. Great work in staging, execution and photographing! What talent you have. - Marilyn D.

    1. Thank you Marilyn, that’s kind of you! My photography has improved over the years through practice. I still don’t fibd it an easy task but it can be satisfying! Take care. X

  3. Me gustan todas las vistas de la cocina, el estilo rústico es de mis favoritos y tú lo has logrado sin dejar de ser una cocina elegante!

    1. Thank you Pilar. I was hoping for the balance of rustic and elegnt. It needed to be old and worn but loved. Take care. X

  4. So pretty! I love the light and shadows in all of your shots. The kitchen is so cozy and warm. I will be looking forward to more posts as you "fiddle" along. (hugs)

    1. Hi Carrie. Thanks for your kind comments. I like how the kitchen came out. I wanted a cozy country feel. And there is a lot of ‘fiddling’ with this house, putting things in and stepping back for a while to see how it feels. All in good time huh? X

  5. I especially love the view through the window!

    1. Thanks Sheila! It’s a narrow space so it’s very hard to see details any other way.

  6. Hi Shannon! The kitchen looks awesome with the sun pouring in! I love being able to see in through doors and windows! You have some beautiful minis and the assemblage is so atmospheric... French country through and through! What fun to play with the arrangements! I look forward to seeing more!

    1. Hi Betsy. Thank you for the lovely comments. I agree - seeing mini rooms from different angles makes them even more interesting and fun. I have a lots of arranging to do on this house, so stay tuned!
