Anyways, it won the section, which is very exciting. I will now show it later in the year at the national competition. If it wins that, it goes off to New Zealand to compete in the internation competition. I don't think it will go that far though, as the standard is very high.
Despite this excitement, we recieved some news today which is just frustrating and a little worrying. We had a major issue for 2 years which really made us re-assess our lives. It was over and done with 6 months ago, but we recieved news today that it apparently isn't over with. Fortunately at this stage, it does not involve us and we can only hope it goes no further. I can't elaborate, but it is so hard to think 'what did we do to deserve this?' It seems that no matter how much you don't deserve something, and how wrong the thing is, you just get dumped with it. I'm tired of it is all. Life can be so incredibly frustrating.
So on to something to cheer me up, minis!! Something I did some time ago, yet to be finished: