I feel like I am going in circles.
Today is the first time I've seriously questioned my career change. I threw a piece of laser cut ply across the room, and because it didn't break up enough to satisfy my anger, I had to pick it up and scrunch it into tiny pieces. Next time I will throw a bigger piece with more weight to make it more efficient. The upside - I must be learning something at least......
I have about a week until the Caberra miniatures show, and not too much to sell there. I just can't seem to get the cutter working at it's most efficient. Add into the mix slightly bendy ply and an inexperienced user with high standards and you have a fight a-coming. I keep buying ply and I am lucky if I get 50% success rate. Oh well, I guess everyone starting out has these teething problems. The cutter really needs a good service and some parts replaced too, which doesn't help. I will be working all day and night between now and next weekend!
Anyway, a couple of pictures to show that at least some of the kits are working out.
One of my shadow boxes landscaped and in need of some accessories:
The cottage stove all painted up:

All that's left to say is I hope that your week has been more successful than mine. Bring on the weekend!