Hi all. This is a little post for Celeste, who asked what were the original furniture sets for the tiny Nob Hill. Photos shown below from the information that came with the kit.
Shannon's mini blog
Hi, welcome to my blog! I have been inspired to start my own blog to showcase some stuff that I am doing, but also to show the work of others that inspire me. It will be mostly dollhouse miniatures, but other stuff as well that I come across along the way! Hope you enjoy it!
Friday, August 16, 2024
Saturday, February 17, 2024
I'm not dead!!
Hi all! Surprise!!! I know it has been a very long time between posts. I have been doing a little mini-ing on and off but mostly in the last 12 months I haven't had a lot of interest. I have so many projects on the go too, that when I look around my craft room, it's overwhelming and I have no idea what to work on. Every project has a little annoying job to be done, which is probably why it's still sitting unfinished.
Anyway, last year I accidentally purchased a reasonably big dollhouse locally (which was a big surprise) that I think must've been built using the Remember When dollhouse plan book (it's identical visually but not sure about the dimensions).
I had intended using it for my one day Toad Hall, but the ceilings are only 8" high, so that was a fail. So I am using it instead of another build I had earmarked for the Greenleaf Aster (so will I end up building that now, given I am up to my eyeballs in dollhouses/projects???). It's pretty roughly built but it also has a lot of charm, so I am keeping quite a bit of it as-is, with a little prettying up.
This is the photo I am using as inspiration. I like the simplicity.
I started by taking the roof off, making it more manageable, and am working on the rooms on one end, then will spin it around and work on the other end.
This is how it is currently looking:
I need to work out what sort of railing I'll use for the stairs and wallpaper for the living room (bottom right). I had planned on painting a mural all around but I don't know if that will ever get done. I might paper it and then decide later if I paint something to stick over the top.
If you follow my Red Cottage Miniatures Facebook or Instagram, you might have seen I have been working on mini flowers. Here are some of my recent ones. It is nice to have the tiny flowers but I can't say I am particularly enjoying the making part.
Anyway, I hope you are all well and still making minis occasionally. Take care.
Saturday, June 10, 2023
Attention The Grandmommy/Big and little creations
Hello! I have tried to leave comments on your blog and there does appear to be a problem. You could try Jodi’s suggestion here: https://my-miniaturemadness.blogspot.com/2023/04/fastidious-floral-fairytale-fireplace.html (scroll down to the end of the post).
Or alternatively google. Often pther people are also having the problem, and might be to do with settings. I have found answers to Blogger problems this way. Hope you can sort it out!
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Long time no blog
Hi all. I know it has been a very long time since I blogged. It wasn’t intentional. I just haven’t been mini-ing. Back in November I received a bit of a slap in the face from a fellow miniaturist, and it really just made me wonder what on earth I was doing. So for the last six months, I’ve had very little interest in anything miniature. I did some sewing and some paper crafting instead and really enjoyed doing something different. We have spent the last month in the US, where I was lucky enough to go to the Chicago International. I also got to see the Thorne rooms, Colleen Moore’s fairy castle and Kaye Savage Browning’s miniature collection at the Kentucky Gateway Museum. It was spectacular. No words really do it justice.
So given I have nothing to show that I have been working on, I will show my show purchases. (The photos are out of order, for which I apologise, but I am writing this on my ipad and not at all convinced I can rearrange the photos successfully.
Close-up of a clock (D-Tales miniatures), squirrel (puppenstuebchen I think) and key with tassel from June Clinkscales:
Saturday, September 17, 2022
Chateau update (plus other stuff)
Hi everyone. I have spent a good few hours this weekend making progress on my chateau. There has been some setbacks, including a diminished supply of a paint colour I needed that has become rare/expensive. I solved it by getting a sample pot of paint using colour match. So now I have a big pot of paint plus the formula to make the same colour again if I need it in future. So many parts got repainted in the new paint and we're back on track. I finished my wall mural last weekend and here it is temporarily held in place in the entry. Now some trimming of parts to make everything fit, a bit more painting and then we're very close to done. Wondering if this needs a sky blue ceiling??
It's a really satisfying place to be. The salon is currently having the front wall panels glued in place, so no photos. But it is also progressing.
If I haven't already mentioned, this will be a seaside house, based loosely in the early-mid 1960s, because I loved the book 'Clarence takes a vacation' so much. This is how the exterior will roughly look (although at this stage, not sure I am going to attempt the curved front window..... but we'll see!
OK, I will leave it there as this is getting quite a long post and I am hungry.Two good reasons to stop! Hope you are all well. We have a 4-day weekend next weekend so I hope to have more chateau progress to show soon!!!!! And finally I can start planing the next storey (dining room and another room to be determined....a whole new set of dilemmas). Fun stuff!!! Take care out there!!!
Saturday, July 23, 2022
Mid year update
Hi all. I have been slack this year on posting here. I apologise for that. I feel like I haven't achieved a whole lot though. As mentioned in my previous post, I have been working on the chateau. Progress is slow - many layers of paint - but I have been painting a mural for the entry. You can still see the underpainting in places - the birds, a plant on the left side of the largest panel, the stairs and the pagoda/rotunda thing. The main images were taken from a real life garden at Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild in France (website here). The narrow panel and the largest panel sit either side of a door, the birds will sit above the door and both the largest panels go up one side of the stairs (hence the sloped bottom edge). If only I could come up with a good stair rail design, I'd be set.
And this is the rejigged salon. I am working on the front/window wall and curtains for it (see below).

So after that not-so-exciting update, I am off to do a bit more on my curtains. I hope you are all well and still making minis! XX
Friday, May 6, 2022
Sydney miniatures show
Hi all. Thought I’d write a quick post to show some pics from the Sydney mini show last weekend. There weren’t labels on the displays, so not sure who made what. I do know that this first photo was a workshop from a Cat n Co workshop at the last AMEA convention.
Rolypoly doll and artwork by Dawn, Faberge egg by lady sitting next to my table (wish I got a couple more), basket by Lidi Stroud and everything else from Andrea Currie (also wish I’d got more!).