
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Very first laser cut prototype!

Did I already mention that my husband bought me a cheap laser cutter? Anyways, if I didn't, he did. He managed to get it working and we spent much of Saturday and Sunday cutting stuff (as well as setting some stuff on fire!). We learnt lots though, which is an interesting part of the process. Having learnt a few things, I will now adjust many of my designs accordingly. 

I showed you a prototype of a little stove which was printed out and stuck to cardboard and cut out and stuck together, a little while ago. Well, here is a laser cut version of it:

I wanted to show a photo of the cardboard one next to it, but I can't find it. It lacks the engraving details, but a really good starting point. It is also a little larger than it is supposed to be as we were still figuring out the importing/scale issue. I am aiming to have kits available for purchase by July, at the latest - lots more prototyping, buying materials etc in the meantime though!

Hope you are all well.


  1. I LOVE IT!!!! What a lovely little stove and how perfect it will be for so many smaller houses that need a character stove. I will be very interested in your kits when they are ready for purchase. :D


  2. Awesome!!! But, please don't set any more things fire. :D

  3. Hi Shannon! The little stove looks awesome!
    I agree with Otterine: don't set any more things on fire ;D!


  4. Wow!!! Es preciosa y perfecta!!

  5. Congratulations, what fun for you and an exciting new and profitable venture as well.

  6. Hi Shannon,

    Thanks for your tip with the silk! I will check that shop.
    This little stove looks good, you said it was a cheap cutter but it seems to have cut very finely! Where did you get it? I didn't realise you could buy them in a non-commercial size?

  7. Hi shannon, love your work and your adventures into laser cutting. What type of "cheap" laser did you purchase and what software do you design in? I am becoming interested in all this laser stuff. Thanks Angie

    1. Hi Angie, thanks for the compliment! This prototype was cut with a cheap one from China, which is now long gone. It was pretty crappy but we did learn a thing or two. We gave it to my husband’s brother, who is a gadgets genius. We have since bought two second hand Epilogs. They are fantastic. I actually use Graphic app on my ipad. It has its drawbacks, but is serving the purpose. I really should learn to use Corel but it will take time to learn something new and I am too impatient and lazy for that! Take care.
